
Before the War
The Holocaust
Displaced Persons Camps
Where can we go?
The Journey
Welcome to Canada
New Lives
Canadian Immigration Overview
I. Childhood in Berehovo
I was born in 1928 in Carpathia (now Ukraine), in the city of Berehovo, which was known for its rabbis. I came from a close family. I had five sisters, including my twin sister Miriam. My oldest sister was married and had a child. I had many uncles, aunts and cousins who lived in the same city. Our family observed the Jewish traditions and went to Synagogue services on Friday nights. I attended cheder (Jewish school) as well as public school.

Things started to change for us in 1938. The Hungarians came into power and the Czech government ceased to exist. I started learning Hungarian in school. Some members of the Hungarian regime were anti-Semitic and adopted the swastika as their symbol. They robbed Jewish families of their belongings and caused us a lot of problems.
II. Auschwitz-Birkenau »    
Leo's Map
I. Childhood in Berehovo
II. Auschwitz-Birkenau
III. At Liberation
IV. Displaced Person
V. Voyage
VI. Becoming Canadian
Someone of the Hebrew or Jewish people. Someone who is either born or converts to Judaism, which is the religion, philosophy and way of life of the Jewish People.
Symbol of the Nazi party used on Nazi uniforms and flags. A cross with equal arms each of which is bent at a right angle.
A building or place of worship for those of the Jewish faith. A congregation of Jews for the purpose of worship or religious study.